
Medical and Science

GP elected unopposed as new AMA President, Signals push for primary care reform agenda

Health Industry Hub | July 25, 2024 |

Medical: Dr Danielle McMullen, General Practitioner and current Vice President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), has been declared the next President after running unopposed. This marks the first unopposed leadership since Dr Steve Hambleton’s presidency from 2011-2014.

AMA President Professor Steve Robson expressed his confidence in Dr McMullen, saying “I am delighted to be handing over the reins to Dr McMullen, who has proven her mettle in her vice-presidential role for the past two years and as President of AMA NSW before this period.”

Professor Robson highlighted Dr McMullen’s “strong but inclusive leadership”, including a robust connection with Federal Minister for Health Mark Butler.

“She brings poise and vibrancy to the role of AMA President. The respect and recognition that Dr McMullen has around the country has translated into broad support of her candidacy for the AMA President role,” he added.

Dr McMullen expressed her eagerness to represent doctors across the health system, which faces strains in general practice, public hospitals, mental health, and the private health sector.

“There is an urgency and a readiness to take the best bits of our healthcare system and strengthen them; to support our excellent doctors and other health workers; to invest in prevention and early intervention; and to invest in general practice so that Australians have ready access to their doctor when they need them. While there are many threats to the health system, there are also great opportunities.

“Some of the areas I will focusing on in my presidency include getting waiting lists down and improving the value proposition of private health insurance,” she stated.

Dr McMullen further added, “Our first priority needs to be boosting investment in general practice. It’s the cornerstone of our healthcare system with our GPs looking after Australians from birth to death and through all the ups and downs in between.

With an ageing population and increasing chronic disease, Dr McMullen stressed the need for a collaborative healthcare system where patients “need a usual GP working in a team to ensure they can access care when they need it, to prevent their illness deteriorating to the point they need to be in hospital. When patients do need hospital care, that care needs to be timely and well-coordinated.”

In just over a week, delegates at the AMA’s National Conference will elect a new Vice President, with A/Professor Julian Rait and Dr Xavier Yu as candidates. Delegates will also vote on a motion to introduce a two-month handover period for new presidents, with the new leadership team set to take over from October 1.

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